Friday, 10 February 2012

Something (small) for the weekend!

A few months ago I took my children to an Art gallery where they were doing some great craft projects. One of the simplest, yet favourite thing my daughter (Bean age 4) made was a milk bottle top bug.
Since then we have been collecting milk bottle tops so that we can make it some friends!

Yesterday Bean asked if we could make some more, so I thought that this could be a nice, easy project to share with you for over the weekend. 

Here is Bean's original bug.

To start with you will need a milk bottle top, 

and something to cover it with. 

Bean choose this envelope, 

and this wrapping paper.

Place some double-sided tape on the top and bottom of the bottle top.

Cut some of the paper to size and wrap it around the bottle top.

Bean used some pipe cleaners for her first bug's legs but as we don't have pipe cleaners we decided to use straws instead.

Cut the straws down to size, using the bend in the straw as the joint in the bug's leg.

Attach 3 straws to either side of the under-side of the bug with tape.

Turn it over and attach googly eyes. 
(If you don't have any of these then cut out eyes drawn onto a sticky label.)

Add some double-sided tape to the bug's back.

Using some scrap fabric or paper, cut out a strip and twist in the middle.

Attach these to the back of the bug as wings.

And then make more!

Bean's original bug with it's new friends!

Please let me know if you try to make these over the weekend as I'd love to know how it goes!

I'm off to a huge craft event at Event City in Trafford Park tomorrow. I'm hoping to pick up some great crafting tips and bargains. I'll let you know how I get on.

Until then, 
Happy Making! xxx


  1. Love it Gem, know what to do on my rainy Saturday now :) loving the blog x

    1. Thanks Matty, I like your blog! I may need to ask you some blog questions at some point! x

  2. These are so cute! I will make these with my little man! Great blog, I'm your newest follower! x

  3. Thanks Chloe, I like your blog too ;0) xx

  4. Ooh, they look fun (and easy and cheap) so I think I know what I'll be trying...

