Monday, 27 February 2012

Sock Mice

In my last blog post I expressed my excitement for the craft fair that I was attending in Trafford Park. Well, I'm sorry to report that my expectations were set a little too high! 

I had a really lovely morning out with my mum, but didn't find anything that I'd hoped to find. It seemed to be overloaded with card making stalls (which isn't one of my chosen crafts) and I later found out that there were workshops that I could have attended but didn't. I did come away with a few items, although none of them were craft related!

Bean (age 4) has just been off for half term and I was expecting to be doing lots of craft projects with her as I was anticipating long periods of boredom. Fortunately this wasn't the case and we were kept really busy (and entertained) throughout the whole week. 

At the weekend we did manage to make a little sock mouse to accompany the ones that we had made a few month ago, and now spend most of their time in a little basket next to Bean's bed. 

I'm aware that my last post was a project for a child and this one is too, so I promise to make something 'grown up' for my next post!

Here are Bean's original Sock Mice...

Dotty, Locket and Poppy!

How to make a sock mouse:

Choose a child's sock

Cut the top off the sock

Stuff the sock with cotton wool

Tie the open end tightly with a piece of wool 

Stick two googly eyes on to the front of the sock (or alternatively use buttons)

Cut out two circles of felt or fabric for the ears, a smaller circle for the nose and three strands of wool for the whiskers 

Pinch the ears at the bottom and add glue
Stick them to either side of the sock

Glue on the whiskers and the nose

And there you have it: your very own sock mouse!

I loved getting feedback from the last post and seeing your bottle top bugs, so please let me know if you make a sock mouse and how you get on with it ( and what your child has named it!) 

Happy Making! xxx

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