My little girl (Bean) is 4 and she is definitely walking in her mummy, and daddy's, footsteps when it comes to creating!
The other day she decided she wanted to make paper cupcakes and came up with the design all by herself. The results were really impressive (considering her age) and definitely blog worthy!
Here's the equipment Bean told me she needed to make her paper cupcakes;
Pink paper
Cotton wool
Pink glitter glue
A straw cut up into little bits (to use as sprinkles)
Cupcake cases
First She wrapped the cotton wool in a square of pink paper and secured it with tape.
Next she put glitter glue on top and sprinkled the bits of straw onto the wet glue.
Finally she placed them in the small cupcake cases.
Here is the result!
Last week I bought Bean a shadow box from off eBay. When it came I decided it was a little bit too plain, so instead of painting it we decided to
decoupage it!
Here is how it looked before:
(I forgot to take a before photo so I had to use this one from off eBay!)
Here is how it looked after:
And with some of her little ornaments:
The other week Bean came up with the idea of a story she wanted to write called The Brush and The Broom. Along with her clever Daddy they created this very cute little
video .... what do you think? An animator in the making maybe?!
I've finally finished a quilt I've been making for my friend's baby girl. My intensions were to give it to her as a gift the first time we were introduced, but it wasn't quite ready - oops! She's now 4 months old, oh how that time has flown by!
Once the quilt is safely in the nursery of my friend's gorgeous little girl then I'll post it on here for you to see the result!
So until then....
Happy Making xx